It started with a quick yes and continued with a quicker solution
When Kristian Angele at Vattenfall needed to test how temperature variations affect the endurance of steel pipes, Fagerberg was asked if they could help. The answer was a resounding yes, and in hindsight, Kristian concludes that the curiosity and will expressed by Fagerberg led to beneficial results in the lab.
Vattenfall’s research facility has repeatedly faced the issue of understanding how temperature fluctuations in streaming water affect steel pipes. As one of four prospective suppliers, Fagerberg was contacted to help realize a new test rig and answer the question.
“Three declined after some thinking, while Fagerberg said yes and how this sounds exciting,” says Kristian Angele.
Although he had worked with Fagerberg before and knew the technicians there were skillful, he was pleasantly surprised by what happened next.
Following a digital meeting where he described the challenge, Fagerberg gave their assessment, and then their technicians went to work.
Vattenfall had an idea to test the pipes' endurance by quickly opening and closing a three-way valve (Worcester AT13 / AT14) so that cold and hot water could pulsate through the pipe.
The message from Fagerberg to Vattenfall was that they would custom-build, test, and verify the valve. Kristian Angele was impressed when they got back after only a few weeks.
”They stood beside the test bench and said their solution worked. They filmed and demonstrated via Teams. It felt so right, and it was a simple choice to order.”
He tells how Vattenfall's valve tests showed the same great results as Fagerberg's demonstration. He is most pleased that they quickly and safely found a functioning solution that had required far more resources in Vattenfall’s workshop.
The process was entirely digital, which saved time. At the same time, the relationship felt personal and open whenever they connected on the screen.
“I already knew that Fagerberg was good, but this certainly showed what they are made of and, not the least, how they are so much more than a distributor. Their will and capability to solve our technical challenges gave me a taste for more in the future”, Kristian Angele concludes.
Budskapet från Fagerberg till Vattenfall var att de skulle specialbygga, testa och verifiera ventilen. När de hörde av sig redan efter ett par veckor blev Kristian Angele imponerad.
”De stod vid testbänken och sa att deras lösning fungerade. De filmade och demade via Teams. Det kändes helrätt, så det var bara att beställa.”
Han berättar att testerna med ventilen som följde hos Vattenfall visade på samma goda resultat som när Fagerberg demonstrerade. Han är mycket nöjd över hur de, snabbt och säkert, kom fram till en fungerande lösning som hade krävt långt större insatser i Vattenfalls egen verkstad.
Hela processen skedde dessutom digitalt, vilket sparade tid. Samtidigt kändes relationen såväl personlig som öppen när de hade kontakt via skärmen.
”Jag visste sedan tidigare att Fagerberg är duktiga, men här visade de verkligen vad de går för och inte minst att de är så mycket mer än bara en återförsäljare. Deras vilja och förmåga att lösa våra tekniska utmaningar gav mersmak inför framtiden”, avslutar Kristian Angele.